Skador på vuxna                               THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION

(Damages to adults)
(Daños a adultos)

Denna sida får nog ses som "under construction" ett tag framöver. I en första fas kommer referenslistan nedan att revideras och därefter kommer en del av innehållet i motsvarande referenser att kommenteras. /28 mars, 2023

Det finns numera en hel del publicerad dokumentation om PA-skador på vuxna. I första hand alienerade föräldrar samt vuxna som PA-misshandlats som barn. Till detta kommer skador på andra närstående till barnen.

Många av de vuxna som idag arbetar för ökad medvetenhet om PA-fenomenet och som också vill kriminalisera denna form av psykisk barnmisshandel har själva drabbats som barn. Som exempel kan nämnas: Rod McCall (pappa vars ex. mördade den 6-årige sonen och sedan begick självmord, USA), Frances Carr (alienerad mamma, UK), Jennifer Harman (PA-forskare, Colorado State University mm), Jan James (Battle for truth och mycket annat, UK), Michelle Lee Nieves (YouTube), Meredith Miller* (Inner Integration, YouTube), Pamela Richardson (vars son begick självmord, författare till boken "A kidnapped mind:
A Mother's Heartbreaking Memoir of Parental Alienation",  2006), Amanda Sillars (Australien) och Ryan Thomas (YouTube) samt Jill Wise (The Enlightened Target, YouTube). Utöver dessa vittnesmål kommer de 6-7 svenska vuxna jag fått kontakt med - det handlar om personer i åldrarna 30-80 år (22 nov. 2022).

* Citerar en kvinnlig krigsveteran som sagt att traumat efter kriget (vilket är oklart) var ingenting jämfört med det psykologiska trauma som hon utsatts för av sin mamma för som barn. Ref. Efter 1 min 48 s in i videon "Overcoming the devastation of being raised by a narcissist mother").

Orsaker till skador på vuxna

(Causes of damages to adults)

PA-problemet är inte bara en fråga om livslångt lidande utan också om välfärd och rättvisa.

(The PA problem is therefore not just a question about lifelong suffering but also about welfare and justice.)

Se t ex Zeynep Biringen & Jenifer J. Harman, Föräldrar som beter sig illa: Hur institutioner och samhället hjälper till att alienera barn från sina kärleksfulla föräldrar, 2018:139-157.

Medicinska, sociala och ekonomiska skador som drabbar vuxna

(Medical, social and economic damages that affect adults)

Kostnadsmässigt drabbar PA-alienerade samhället i stort.

Det bör noteras att forskare som arbetar med hjärnans utveckling sedan minst cirka 20 år stu-derat effekterna av barnmisshandel inklusive psykisk dito. Som introduktion till detta ämne kan man börja med artikeln M. Teicher, Scars that won't heal: The Neurobiology of Child abuse, Scientific American, Vol. 286(3), 2002:54-61.


Diana Alberter, The long-term consequences and impact of parental alienation. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 7(6), 2022:12.

10 Reasons Why Kids without Dads Are at a Big Disadvantage.

RAS Alyamani & C. Murgatroyd, Epigenetic Programming by Early-Life StressProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 157, 2018:133-150.

Paul R. Amato, Children of Divorce in the 1990s: An Update of the Amato and Keith (1991) Meta-Analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, Vol. 15(3), 2001:355-370.

Amy J.L. Baker, The Long-Term Effects of Parental Alienation on Adult Children: A Qualitative Research Study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 33, 2005:299-302.

Amy J.L. Baker, The Cult of Parenthood: A Qualitative Study of Parental AlienationCultic Studies Review, Vol. 4(1), 2005:1-20.

Amy J.L. Baker, Patterns of Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Qualitative Study of Adults Who were Alienated from a Parent as a Child. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 34(1), 2006:63–78.

Amy J.L. Baker & Naomi Ben-Ami, To Turn a Child Against a Parent Is To Turn a Child Against Himself: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Exposure to Parental Alienation Strategies on Self-Esteem and Well-Being. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Vol. 52(7), 2011:472–489.

Amy J.L. Baker & Maria C. Verrocchio, Italian College Student-Reported Childhood Exposure to Parental Alienation: Correlates With Well-Being. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 54(8), 2013:609-628.

Sian Balmer, Mandy Matthewson & Janet Haines, Parental alienation: Targeted parent perspective. Australian Journal of Psychology,Vol. 70(1), 2017:91-99.

W.C. Becker, D.R. Peterson, L.A. Hellmer, D.J. Shoemaker & H.C. Quay, Factors in parental behavior and personality as related to problem behavior in childrenJournal of Consulting Psychology, 23(2), 1959:107–118.

Michael D. De Bellis & Abigail Zisk, The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 23(2), 2014:185-222.

Caitlin Bentley & Mandy Matthewson, The Not-Forgotten Child: Alienated Adult Children’s Experience of Parental Alienation. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 48(5), 2020:509-529.

Zeynep Biringen och Jennifer J. Harman, Föräldrar som beter sig illa: hur institutioner och samhället hjälper till att alienera barn från sina kärleksfulla familjer, 2018 (234 sidor).

Jennie E. Brand, Ravaris Moore, Xi Song &  Yu Xie, Why Does Parental Divorce Lower Children’s Educational Attainment? A Causal Mediation Analysis. Sociological Science, Vol. 6, 2019:264-192.

Gene H. Brody, Eileen Neubaum-Carlan & Rex Forehand, Serial Marriage: A Heuristic Analysis of an Emerging Family Form. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 103(2), 1988:211-222.

Gene H. Brody, Joshua C Gray, Tianyi Yu, Allen W. BartonSteven R. H. BeachAdrianna Galván, James MacKillop, Michael WindleEdith Chen, Gregory E. Miller & Lawrence H. Sweet, Protective Prevention Effects on the Association of Poverty With Brain Development. Journal of the American Medical Association pediatrics,  Vol. 171(1), 2017:46-52.

Avshalom Caspi, Renate M. Houts, Daniel W. Belsky, Honalee Harrington, Sean Hogan, Sandhya Ramrakha, Richie Poulton & Terrie E. Moffitt, Childhood forecasting of a small segment of the population with large economic burden. Nature Human Behaviour, 12 December, 2016.

Andrew J. Cherlin, Kathleen E. Kiernan and P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, Parental Divorce in Childhood and Demographic Outcomes in Young Adulthood. Demography, Vol. 32(3), 1995:299-318.

Raj ChettyNathaniel HendrenPatrick Kline & Emmanuel Saez, Where is the Land of Opportunity? The Geography of Intergenerational Mobility in the United States. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 19843, 2014:1-67 (+tabeller & bilagor).

Tania Corrás, Dolores Seijo, Francisca Fariña, Mercedes Novo, Ramón Arce & Ramón G. Cabanach, What and How Much Do Children Lose in Academic Settings Owing to Parental Separation? Frontiers in Psycho-logy, Vol. 8, 2017:1-6.

Cherilyn Dance, Alan Rushton & David Quinton, Emotional abuse in early childhood: relationships with progress in subsequent family placementJournal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, Vol. 43(3), 2002:395-407.

Julie Doughty, Nina Maxwell and Tom Slater, Review of research and case law on parental alienation. Cardiff University, Commissioned by Cafcass Cymru, April 2018:1-60.

Ashely N. Edwards, Dynamics of Economic Well-Being: Poverty, 2009–2011. U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Census Bureau, January 2014:70-137.

Barbara Jane Elliott & Martin P.M. Richards, Effects of parental divorce in children. Archives of  Disease in Childhood, Vol. 66(8), 1991:915-916.

Barbara Jane Elliott & Martin P.M. Richards, Parental divorce and the life chances of children. Family Law, 1991:481-484.

Anja S. Euser, Brittany E. Evans, Kirstin Greaves-Lord, Anja C. Huizink & Ingmar H.A. Franken, Parental rearing behavior prospectively predicts adolescents' risky decision-making and feedback-related electrical brain activity. Developmental Science, Vol. 16(3), 2013:409-427.

Robert A. Evans, Treatment Considerations with Children with PAS. Florida BAR Journal, Vol. 80(4), 2006:69-72.
"The damage of PAS can be a life-threatening disorder with dire consequences to children, and ultimately society. In many cases, however, speedy intervention by therapists, attorneys, and the courts can keep smaller problems from escalating into termination of the relationship between parents and children."

Warren Farrell, 'Boy crisis' threatens America's future with economic, health and suicide risks. USA Today, 7 april, 2019.

Leon Festinger & James M. Carlsmith, Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58(2), 203–210.

Frank F. Furstenberg & Kathleen E. Kiernan, Delayed Parental Divorce: How Much Do Children Benefit? Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 63(2), 2001:446-457.

Orestis Giotakos, Neurobiology of emotional trauma. Psychiatriki, Vol. 31(2), 2020:162-171.

Elisabeth Godbout & Claudine Parent, The Life Paths and Lived Experiences of Adults Who Have Experienced Parental Alienation: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 53(1), 2012:34-54.

Jennifer J. Harman, Zeynep Biringen, Ellen M. Ratajack, Pearl L. Outland & Allyson Kraus, Parents behaving badly: Gender biases in the perception of parental alienating behaviorsJournal of Family Psychology, 30(7), 2016:866–874.

Lena Hellblom-Sjögren, Barnets rätt till familjeliv:  25 svenska fallstudier  av föräldraalienation, 2012.

Brian M. Hicks, Marie D. Carlson, Daniel M. Blonigen, Christopher J. Patrick, William G. Iacono & Matt MGue, Psychopathic Personality Traits and Environmental Contexts: Differential Correlates, Gender Differences, and Genetic Mediation. Personal Disorders, Vol. 3(3), 2012: 209–227.

Anm. På sid 211, Under rubriken "Environmental Risk Factors for Antisocial Behavior and Psychopathy" hittar man en del resonemang som bland annat berör betydelsen av vad föräldrarna har för sig under ett barns uppväxt.

Jeffrey G. Johnson, Patricia Cohen, Stephanie Kasen, Elisabeth Smailes & Judith S. Brook, Association of Maladaptive Parental Behavior With Psychiatric Disorder Among Parents and Their Offspring. Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 58(5), 2001:453-460.

Jerome Kagan, The Role of Parents in Children's Psychological Development. Pediatrics, Vol. 104(1), 1999:164-167.

Augustine J. Kpsowa, Divorce and suicide risk. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Vol. 57(12), 2003:993-995. Kommentar: Det är oftast en skada för barnet när ena föräldern begår självmord.

Zdzislaw Kroplewski,Małgorzata Szcześniak, Joanna Furmańska & Anita Gójska, Assessment of Family Functioning and Eating Disorders -The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 10(Article 921), 2019:1-13.

Michael E. Lamb, Fathers: Forgotten Contributors to Child Development. Human Development,

Vol. 18(4),  1975:245-266.

Michael D. Langone, Recovery from Cults: Help For Victims Of Psychological And Spiritual AbuseAmerican Family Foundation, Norton paperback, 1995, 410 sidor.

Saulyn Lee‐Maturana, Mandy Matthewson, Corinna Dwan & Kimberley Norris, Characteristics and experiences of targeted parents of parental alienation from their own perspective: A systematic literature review. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 71(2), 2019:83-91.

Saulyn Lee-Maturana, Mandy Metthewson & Corinna Dwan, Understanding Targeted Parents’ Experience of Parental Alienation: A Qualitative Description from Their Own Perspective. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 49(5), 2021:499-516.

Love matters: How parents' love shapes children's lives. Science Daily, February 12, 2020.

J. Mauldon, The effect of marital disruption on children's health. Demography, Vol. 27(3), 1990:431-446.

Vinita Mehta, Parental Alienation: The Legacy for Children. Psychology Today, 21 December, 2021.

Eivind Meland, Hans Johan Breidablik & Frode Thuen, Divorce and conversational difficulties with parents: Impact on adolescent health and self-esteem. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 48(7), 2019:743-751.

Gregory E. Miller, Tianyi Yu, Edith Chen & Gene H. Brody, Self-control forecasts better psychosocial outcomes but faster epigenetic aging in low-SES youth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., Vol. 112(33), 2015:10325-10330.

Jane E. Miller & Diane Davis, “Poverty History, Marital History, and Quality of Children’s Home Environ-ments”. Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 59, 1997: 996-1007.

Paloma Miralles, Carmen Godoy & Maria Dolores Hidalgo, Long-term emotional consequences of parental alienation exposure in children of divorced parents: A systematic review. Current Psychology, 25 November, 2021.

Moreno-López, A. J. & Ocaña de Valdivia, I. (2017). Federecion “FADIE”, movimiento asociativo en pro de la justicia y la igualdad. En, D., Becerril y M., Venegas, La custodia compartida en España. (pp. 165-179). Dykinson.  Kommentar: Detta är ett bokkapitel av vilket det framgår att barn som växer upp utan sin pappa jämfört med de som gör det har följande ökade risker: 5-dubblad ökad risk att begå självmord, 32 xx ökad risk att lämna hemmet, 20-dubblad risk för "uppförandestörningar" (propenso a tener desórdenes de conducta), 14 xx förhöjd förtida utveckling och benägenhet att begå sexuella övergrepp, 9 xx ökad risk att falla ur skolsystemet, 10 xx förhöjd risk för drogmissbruk, 9 xx förhöjd risk att bli "intagen" (underförstått pga psykiatriska och liknande problem), 20-dubblad risk att hamna i fängelse.

Chris Mugatroyd & Dietmar Spengler, Epigenetics of early child development. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Vol. 2 (16), 2011:1–15.

Charles B. Nemeroff, Paradise Lost: The Neurobiological and Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect. Neuron, Vol. 89(5), 2016:892-909.

Jaimie L. O'Gara, Esther J. Calzada & Su Yeong Kim, The father's role in risk and resilience among Mexican-American adolescents. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 90(1), 2020:70-77.

Rebecca O'Neill, Experiments in Living: The Fatherless Family, Civitas, The Institute for the Study of Civil Society, 2002.

Ingvar Nilsson i samarbete med Skandia Idéer för Livet, Sociala investeringar kring barn och unga. Skandia Försäkringsaktiebolag, 2012:1-85.

Paul Raeburn, Do Fathers Matter? What Science Is Telling Us About the Parent We've Overlooked.

Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014:1-272.

Corrine Rees, Understanding emotional abuse. Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol. 95(1), 2010:59-67.

Kristina M. Scharp & Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Family marginalization, alienation, and estrangement: questioning the nonvoluntary status of family relationships. Annals of the International Communication Association, Vol. 41(1), 2017:28-45.     DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2017.1285680

Kristina M. Scharp, Kyle F. Kublera & Tiffany R. Wang, Individual and community practices for construc-ting communicative resilience: Exploring the communicative processes of coping with parental alienation. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 2020:1-20. DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2020.1734225

Kristina M. Scharp, Russell Hansen, Kyle F. Kubler & Tiffany R. Wang, Making meaning of parenting from the perspective of alienated parents. Personal Relationships, Vol. 28(1), 2021:169-189.  DOI: 10.1111/pere.12356

Simone Frizell Reiter, Stefán Hjörleifsson, Hans Johan Breidablik & Eivind Meland, Impact of divorce and loss of parental contact on health complaints among adolescents. Journal of Public Health, Vol. 35(2), 2013:276-283.

Ben Spencer, Growing up without a father can permanently alter the BRAIN: Fatherless children are more likely to grow up angry and turn to drugs. Daily Mail, 4 December, 2013. Anm.: Den här artikeln refererar till studier på möss (!) som har den egenskapen att musföräldrarna hjälps åt att ta hand om musbarnen. Tar man bort muspappan blir barken (cortex) i hjärnans pannlob mindre utvecklad hos musbarnen - den del av hjärnan som särskilt hänger samman med social och kognitiv förmåga (Francis R. Bambico et al., Father Absence in the Monogamous California Mouse Impairs Social Behavior and Modifies Dopamine and Glutamate Synapses in the Medial Prefrontal CortexCerebral Cortex, Vol. 25(5), 2015:1163-1175. Ref. Professor (Dr i neurobiologisk psykiatri) Gabriella Gobbi vid McGill University i Kanada. Dr. Gobbi har vid skrivande tidpunkt (12 nov. 2020) 144 veten-skapliga publikationer bakom sig.

Fiona Steele, Wendy Sigle-Rushton & Øystein Kravdal, Consequences of family disruption on children's educational outcomes in Norway. Demography, Vol. 46(3), 2009:553-574.

Martin H. Teicher & Jacqueline A. Samson, Annual Research Review: Enduring neurobiological effects of childhood abuse and neglect. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. 57(3), 2016:241-266.

Frode Thuen, Eivind Meland & Hans Johan Breidablikk. The effects of communication quality and lack of contact with fathers on subjective health complaints and life satisfaction among parental divorced youth. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 62(4) 2021:258-275.

Rikard Tordön, Health, Experienced Support and School Performance among Children in Out-of-home care. Thesis, Linköping University Medical Dissertations No. 1739, Department of biomedical and clinical sciences, Linköping University, 2020:1-89.

Fuat Torun, Sebahat Dilek Torun & Mandy Matthewson, Parental Alienation: Targeted Parent Experience in Turkey. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 50(2), 2022:195-204.

The Fatherless Generation (statistik om självmord, hemlöshet, fattigdom mm).

Suzanne Verhaar, Mandy Louise Matthewson & Caitlin Bentley, The Impact of Parental Alienating Behaviours on the Mental Health of Adults Alienated in Childhood. Children, Vol. 9(4), 2022:1-16.

Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Income Changes and Cognitive Stimulation in Young Children's Home Learning Environments. Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 65(2), 2004:341-355.

M.E.J. Wadsworth & M. Maclean, Parents' divorce and children's life chances. Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 8(2), 1986:145-159.


Clarice, Narcissists Want You To Lose More Than You Think@ExposingtheNarcissist, YouTube, 24 juli, 2023 (10 min)

Parental Alienation UK, The voice of an alienated child. YouTube, 20 May, 2020 (1 min).

Parental Alienation UK, Winston discussing his personal experience of Parental Alienation. YouTube, 22 May, 2020 (13 min).

Parental Alienation UK, False domestic abuse claims wreck lives. YouTube, 11 June, 2020 (7 min).

Ryan Thomas, Hating Half of Myself I Child of Parental Alienation. RyanThomasSpeaks, YouTube, 21 oktober, 2014 (9 min).

(Is it PA?)

(PA is often missed)

(Key concepts)

(Child abuse)

(Damages to children)

(Damages to adults)

(Children's wishes)

(Who are the PA drivers?)

(False allegations)

(PA and the law)

(The authorities)

(Prevention and therapy)

(Other countries)

(Support groups)

(PA detractors)

(Who am I?)