Artiklar som inte genomgått en peer-reviewprocess före publicering (nyhetsbrev, veckomånadstidningar mm) samt vissa mer lättlästa översiktsartiklar som genomgått peer-review-granskning före publicering.

Lighter reading: Reviews, Magazines, Newsletters etc. (Articles, some of which did not go through a peer-review process before publishing and some "easy reading" review articles which underwent a peer-review process before publishing.)

ENGLISH - about the list below: From April 2020 and on, I (BC) began to list "PA referen-ces" I found in the professional litterature. Some of these journals do not mention PA spe-cifically but deal with the concept of PA, others point at aggression, witness psychology, children's wishes, personality disorders, other aspects of the supporting behavioral science, neurophysiology or yet other subtopics. The code "BH" below refers to references discussed in "Zeynep Biringen & Jennifer J. Harman, Parents acting badly, 2016" in which PA is a major topic. Publications which are not peer-reviewed include magazines such as Psychology Today, Psychiatric Times and Quadrant and in addition Newsletters such as Academy Forum and Parental Alienation International.

I continue to add to add references/journals to the list including a smaller fraction which deal with a broader context which in turn explains why PA is even possible.


Academy Forum
   Richard A. Gardner, Recent Trends in Divorce and Custody Litigation. Academy Forum, Vol. 29(2), 1985:3-7.  From page 3: "The term I prefer to use is parental alienation syndrome. I have introduced this term to refer to a disturbance in which children are obsessed with deprecation and criticism of a parent — denigration that is unjustified and/or exaggerated. The notion that such children are merely “brainwashed” is narrow. The term brainwashing implies that one parent is systematically and consciously programming the child to denigrate the other parent. The concept of the parental alienation syndrome includes the brainwashing component but is much more inclusive. It includes not only conscious but subconscious and unconscious factors within the parent that contribute to the child’s alienation. Furthermore (and this is extremely important), it includes factors that arise within the child — independent of the parental contributions — that contribute to the development of the syndrome."

American Journal of Family Law

   Kenneth H. Waldron & David E. Joanis: Understanding and collaboratively treating parental alienation syndrome. American Journal of Family Law, Vol. 10,1996:121–133.

American Journal of Family Therapy

   Nancy Rainey Palmer, Legal recognition of the parental alienation syndrome. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 16(4), 1988:361-363.

   G.F. Cartwright, Expanding the parameters or parental alienation syndrome. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 21(3), 1993:205-215.   Comment: With reference to Nancy Palmer (1988, above) Cartwright states: "...clear and forceful judgements serve to put an immediate stop to the alienating practices".

   Richard A. Gardner, Differentiating between parental alienation syndrome and bona fide abuse-neglect. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 27(2), 1999:97-107.
   Richard A. Gardner,
Family therapy of the moderate type of parental alienation syndrome. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 27(3), 1999:195-212.

   Richard A. Warshak, Remarriage as a Trigger for Parental Alienation Syndrome. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 28(3), 2000:229-241.

   Richard A. Gardner, Denial of the Parental Alienation Syndrome Also Harms Women.The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 30(3), 2002:191-202.

   Ron Meister, Review of Therapeutic Interventions for Children with Parental Alienation Syndrome. (Book Review). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 31(4), 2003:321-324.

   Amy J.L. Baker, The Long-Term Effects of Parental Alienation on Adult Children: A Qualitative Research Study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 33(4), 2005:289-302.

   Terence W. Campbell, Why doesn't parental alienation occur more frequently? The significance of role discrimination. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 33(5), 2005:365-377.

   Amy J.L. Baker, The Power of Stories/Stories about Power: Why Therapists and Clients Should Read Stories About the Parental Alienation Syndrome. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 34(3), 2006:191-203.

   Collette C. Summers & David M. Summers, Parentectomy in the Crossfire. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 34(3), 2006:243-261.

   Amy J.L. Baker, Knowledge and Attitudes About the Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Survey of Custody Evaluators. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 35(1), 2007:1-19.

   James N. Bow, Jonathan W. Gould & James  R. Flens, Examining Parental Alienation in Child Custody Cases: A Survey of Mental Health and Legal Professionals. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 37(2), 2009:127-145.

   Elizabeth M. Ellis & Susan Boyan, Intervention Strategies for Parent Coordinators in Parental Alienation Cases. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 38(3), 2010:218-236.
   Amy J.L. Baker, Even When You Win You Lose: Targeted Parents' Perceptions of Their Attorneys. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 38(4), 2010:292-309.

   Florence W. Kaslow, A Review of “Parental Alienation: DSM-5 and ICD-11 ”William Bernet (Ed). (2010). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd., 240 pp. (Book Review). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 39(3), 2011:274-276.

   Naomi Ben-Ami & Amy J.L. Baker, The Long-term Correlates of Childhood Exposure to Parental Alienation on Adult Self-sufficiency and Well-being. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 40(2), 2012:169-183.

   David L. Levy & Richard Sauber, Review of "The Parental Alienation Syndrome," by Richard A. Gardner. (Book Review). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 40(4), 2012:364-367.

   Laura G. Sweeney, Reviews of "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Family Therapy and Collaborative System Approach to Amelioration," by Linda J. Gottlieb and "Parental Alienation Syndrome-Disorder: A Serious Form of Psychological Child Abuse With Case Examples," by Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau. (Book Reviews). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 42(1), 2014:92-94.

   Stephen Beiner, Review of "Surviving Parental Alienation: A Journey of Hope and Healing," by Amy J. L. Baker and Paul R. Fine. (Book Review). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 43(2), 2015:211-212. Reviews on  Amazon. In brief at Amy J.L. Baker's website.

   Richard A. Warshak, Risks to Professionals Who Work With Troubled and Alienated Parent-Child Relationships. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 44(3), 2016:111-128.

   Caitlin Bentley & Mandy Matthewson, The Not-Forgotten Child: Alienated Adult Children’s Experience of Parental Alienation. The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 48(5), 2020:509-529.

   Mark D. Roseman, Parental Alienation: Science and Law. (Book Review). The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 49(4), 2021:426-427.

   Fuat Torun, Sebahat Dilek Torun & Mandy Matthewson, Parental Alienation: Targeted Parent Experience in Turkey, The American Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. XX, 2021:1-XX.

   William Bernet, Recurrent Misinformation Regarding Parental Alienation TheoryThe American Journal of Family Therapy, 2021:1-15 (in press).

American Journal of Forensic Psychology

    Deirdre Conway Rand, The spectrum of parental alienation syndrome (part I). American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 15(3), 1997:23-52.

    Deirdre Conway Rand, The spectrum of parental alienation syndrome (part II). American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 15(4), 1997:39-92. Note that this article consists of three html files - click at the bottom of each of the individual html files to go to either of the other two files.

    Richard A. Warshak,  Current Controversies Regarding Parental Alienation Syndrome. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 19(3), 2001:29-59.

    Deirdre Conway Rand, Randy Rand & Leona Kopetski, The spectrum of parental alienation syndrome (part III): The Kopetski follow up study. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, Vol. 23(1), 2005:15-43.

    Amy J.L. Baker, Parent alienation strategies: A qualitative study of adults who experienced parental alienation as a child. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 23(4), 2005:41-63.

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

     Judith S. Wallerstein & Joan B. Kelly, The effects of parental divorce: Experiences of the child in later

latency. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 46(2), 1976:256-269.   Comment: This paper deals with the concept of PA but by the time of publication, the term PA/PAS had not yet been coined.

American Psychologist

    Richard E. Mayer, Applying the Science of Learning: Evidence-Based Principles for the Design of Multimedia Instruction. American Psychologist, Vol. 63(8), 2008:760-769.

    Comment: Indirectly related to PA because it involves the theory of learning.

Annales Médico-psychologiques (In French)

    Paul Bensussan, L’aliénation parentale: vers la fin du déni? Annales Médico-psychologiques, Vol. 167(6), 2009:409-415.    Comment: Abstract in English.

Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association

    Katherine C. Andre, Parent Alienation SyndromeAnnals of the American Psychotherapy Association, Vol. 7(4), 2004:7-11.

    Amy J.L. Baker & Katherine Andre, Working with alienated children and their targeted parents: Suggestions for sound practices for mental health professionals. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, Vol. 11(2), 2008:10-17.  See also the following link: Working with alienated children...

Annals of the International Communication Association

    Kristina M. Scharp & Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, Family marginalization, alienation, and estrangement: questioning the nonvoluntary status of family relationships. Annals of the International Communication Association, Vol. 41(1), 2017:28-45.

    Comment: The authors clearly discuss communication and other phenomena that are consistent with PA but they also more or less consistently avoid directly referring to PA/PAS except in a separate paragraph where Richard Gardner is referred to. In addition, many references are made to PA papers.

Australian Family Lawyer

    Kenneth Byrne, Brainwashing in Custody Cases: The Parental Alienation Syndrome. Australian Family Lawyer, Vol. 4(3), 1989:1-5.

Australian Journal of Psychology

    Sian Balmer, Mandy Matthewson & Janet Haines, Parental alienation: Targeted parent perspective. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 70(1), 2017:91-99.

    Saulyn Lee‐Maturana, Mandy Matthewson, Corinna Dwan & Kimberley Norris, Characteristics and experiences of targeted parents of parental alienation from their own perspective: A systematic literature review. Australian Journal of Psychology, Vol. 71(2), 2019:83-91.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

    Elisabeth H. M. Sterck, David P. Watts and Carel P. van Schaik, The Evolution of Female Social Relationships in Nonhuman Primates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Vol. 41(5), 1997:291-309. (BH)
Blog posts by Dr. J. Michael Bone

Fölkande fyra blogartiklar har kunnat återpubliceras tack vare vänlig tillåtelse från Dr. J. Michael Bone. Artiklarna utgör en logiskt sammanhängande enhet som visar hur kontaktsabotage och falska påståenden resulterar i att barnet stöter bort den ena (alienerade) föräldern samt hur barnet kontrolleras med inducerad rädsla och skuldkänslor.
(The following four blog posts have been reproduced with the kind permission by Dr. J. Michael Bone.
The articles constitute a logical and consistent unity which show how contact inhibition and false allegations result in the rejection of the target (alienated) parent and how the child is controled by fear and indiuced guilt feelings.)

   Access and Visitation Blocking: The First Ingredient of Parental Alienation., December. 20, 2012.

   False Allegations of Abuse: The Second Ingredient of Parental Alienation., December 27, 2012.

   Deterioration in the Parent Child Relationship: The Third Ingredient of Parental Alienation., January 4, 2013.

   Fear Reaction to Displeasing the Alienating Parent: The Forth Ingredient of Parental Alienation., January 17, 2013.

British Journal of Social Work

    Greg Mantle, Tina Moules, Ken Johnson, Jane Leslie, Sarah Parsons, Ray Shaffer. Whose Wishes and Feelings? Children’s Autonomy and Parental Influence in Family Court Enquiries." British Journal of Social Work, Vol. 37, 2007:785–805.

    Comment: In this paper the authors discuss parental custody care, parental influence, parental manipulation

aimed at ‘turning the child against the other parent’ (context of coaching and brainwashing) and parental separation - obviously a publication discussng parts of the concept of PA but the authors do not use the term "parental alienation".

Canadian Journal of Psychiatry

    Lionel Cailhol, Éric Pelletier, Louis Rochette, Lise Laporte, Pierre David, Évens Villeneuve, Joel Paris & Alain Lesage, Prevalence, Mortality, and Health Care Use Among Patients With Cluster B Personality Disorders Clinically Diagnosed in Quebec: A Provincial Cohort Study, 2001-2012. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 62(5), 2017:336-342.

Child Abuse & Neglect

    Jodi Death, Claire Ferguson & Kylie Burgess, Parental alienation, coaching and the best interests of the child: Allegations of child sexual abuse in the Family Court of Australia. Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 94(Article 104045), 2019:__-__.

Child Abuse Review

    Nigel Blagg & Eva Godfrey, Exploring Parent–Child Relationships in Alienated versus Neglected/Emotionally Abused.  Children using the Bene‐Anthony Family Relations Test. Child Abuse Review, Vol. 27(6), 2018:486-496.

Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America

    William Bernet, Child custody evaluations. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 11(4), 2002:781-804.

    Douglas Darnall, The Psychosocial Treatment of Parental Alienation. Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, Vol. 20(3), 2011:479-494.

Child and Family Social Work

    Ricky Finzi-Dottan, Hadass Goldblatt & Orlee Cohen-Masica, The experience of motherhood for alienated mothersChild and Family Social Work, Vol. 17, 2012:316-325.

Children & Society

    Jennifer Lavoie,  Karissa Leduc, Angela M. Crossman & Victoria Talwar, Do As I Say and Not As I Think: Parent Socialisation of Lie‐Telling Behaviour. Children & Society, Vol. 30(4), 2016:253-264.

Children and Youth Services Review

    Jennifer J. Harman, Sadie Leder-Elder & Zeynep Biringen, Prevalence of adults who are the targets of parental alienating behaviors and their impact. Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 106, 104471, 2019:1-13.

    T.M. Marques, I. Narciso & L.C. Ferreira, Empirical research on parental alienation: A descriptive literature review. Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 119, 2020.

Clinical Psychology Review

    Daniel Turkat, Child visitation interference in divorce. Clinical Psychology Review, Vol. 14(8), 1994:737-742.

Clinical Science Insights

   Jenna Rowen, Talking Badly About Your Co-Parent Backfires: Young Adults & Siblings Feel Less Close to Parents Who Denigrate the Other Parent. Clinical Science Insights, 1 March, 2015:1-5.

Clinical Social Work Journal

    Virginia H. Luftman, Lane J. Veltkamp, James J. Clark, Sharon Lannacone & Howard Snooks, Practice Guidelines In Child Custody Evaluations for Licensed Clinical Social Workers. Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol. 33(3), 2005:327-357.

Cogent Psychology

    Alan M. Jaffe, Melanie J. Thakkar & Pascale Piron, Denial of ambivalence as a hallmark of parental alienation. Cogent Psychology, Vol. 4, 2017:1-15.

Contemporary Family Therapy

    Ludwig F. Lowenstein, Parent Alienation Syndrome: A Two Step Approach Toward a Solution. Contemporary Family Therapy, Vol. 20, 1998:505-520.

Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice

    J. Rowen & R. Emery. Examining parental denigration behaviors of co-parents as reported by young adults and their association with parent–child closeness. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol. 3(3), 2014:165–177.

Court Review

    Ira Daniel Turkat, On the Limitations of Child-Custody Evaluations, Court Review, Vol. 42(2), 2005:8-13.

    Comment: This paper is indirectly relevant for PA but only briefly gives a reference to PA.

Creative Therapeutics (the publisher of the book)

  Richard A. Gardner, The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Differentiation Between Fabricated and Genuine Child Sexual Abuse. Creative Therapeutics, In: The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal Professionals, Creative Therapeutics, Cresskill NJ,  1987a
   Richard A. Gardner, Sex abuse legitimacy scale. In: The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide for Mental Health and Legal Professionals, Creative Therapeutics, Cresskill NJ, 1987b.

Cultic Studies Review

    Amy J.. Baker, The Cult of Parenthood: A Qualitative Study of Parental Alienation. Cultic Studies Review, Vol. 4(1), 2005:1-20.

Current Directions in Psychological Science

    Jennifer J. Harman, William Bernet, and Joseph Harman, Parental Alienation: The Blossoming of a Field of Study. Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 28(2), 2019:212-217.

Divorce Magazine (

   Joy Feinberg, Illinois Case Law on Parental Abduction. Divorce Magazine, 10 December, 2014.

   Michele F. Lowrance, Parental Alienation – A Corrosive Legacy. Divorce Magazine, 17 April, 2017.

   Howie Denison, The Form of Child Abuse Known as Parental Alienation. Divorce Magazine, 23 February, 2017.

Duodecim; lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja (in Finnish)

    H. Häkkänen-Nyholm, Alienation of a child from one parent in divorce situation (In Finnish). Duodecim; lääketieteellinen aikakauskirja, Vol. 126(5), 2013:499-505.  Comment: Divorce -> Hate -> PA.

EC Paedriatrics

    Wilfrid Von Boch-Galhau, Christiane Förster & Jorge Guerra González, “Demosthenes Lorandos, William Bernet, and SR Sauber (2013) Parental Alienation: Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals”. EC Paediatrics, Vol. 7(8), 2018: 820-822.
ELSA Malta Law Review (
European Law Students' Association)

   Sylvana Brannon, A review of legal interventions in severe parental alienation cases. ELSA Malta Law Review, Vol. 7, 2020;128-139.

L’Encéphale (In French)

    Paul Bensussan, Aliénation parentale, abus psychologique de l’enfant et DSM-5. L’Encéphale, Vol. 43, 2017:510-515.

    Comment: In this article it is explained in detail how PA is covered by five of the already existing diagnosis in DSM-5.

Éthique et Famille (in French)

    Jean-Pierre Cambefort, Le Syndrome d'aliénation parentale : Menace pour la cohésion familiale. Éthique et Famille, 2011:155-172.

Family and Conciliation Courts Review

    Mary Lund, A therapist's view of parental alienation syndrome. Family and Conciliation Courts Review,

Vol. 33(3), 1995:308-316.

    Ex: Anita Vestal, Mediation and parental alienation syndrome: Considerations for an intervention model. Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 37(4), 1999:487-503.

    Richard A. Warshak, Blanket restrictions: Overnight contact between parents and young children. Family and Conciliation Courts Review, Vol. 38(4), 2000:422-445.

     Comment: I (BC) do not have access to this publication but from what I can indirectly read about the article, it seems highly relevant for PA.

Family Court Review

    Janet R. Johnston & Joan B. Kelly, Guest Editorial Notes. Family Court Review, Vol. 39(3), 2005:246-248.

    Joan B. Kelly and Janet R. Johnston, The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Family Court Review, Vol. 39(3), 2001:249-266.

    S. Margaret Lee & Nancy W. Olesen, Assessing for Alienation in Child Custody and Access Evaluations.

 Family Court Review, Vol. 39(3), 2001:282-298.

    Matthew J. Sullivan & Joan B. Kelly, Legal and Psychological Management of Cases with an Alienated ChildFamily Court Review, Vol. 39(3), 2001:299-315.

    Richard A. Gardner, Commentary on Kelly and Johnston's "The Alienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome". Family Court Review, Vol. 42(4), 2004:611-621.

    Janet R. Johnston & Joan B. Kelly, Rejoinder to Gardner's "Commentary on Kelly and Johnston's 'TheAlienated Child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome'". Family Court Review, Vol. 42(4), 2004:622-628.

    Barbara Jo Fidler & Nicholas Bala, Guest editors' introduction to special issue on alienated children in divorce and separation: Emerging approaches for families and courts. Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:6-9.

    Barbara Jo Fidler & Nicholas Bala, Children Resisting Postseparation Contact with a Parent: Concepts, Controversies and Conundrums. Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:10-47.

    Richard A. Warshak, Family Bridges: Using Insights_from_Social Science to Reconnect Parents and Alienated Children. Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:48-80.

    Joan B. Kelly, Commentary on "Family Bridges: Using Insights from Social Science to Reconnect Parents and Alienated Children (Warshak, 2010). Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:81-90.

    Richard A. Warshak & Mark R. Otis, Helping alienated children with family bridges: Practice, research, and the pursuit of humbitionFamily Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:91-97.

    Steven Friedlander & Marjorie Gans Walters, When a Child Rejects a Parent: Tailoring the Intervention to Fit the ProblemFamily Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:98-111.

    Janet R. Johnston & Judith Roth Goldman, Outcomes of Family Counseling Interventions with Children who Resist Visitation: An Addendum to Friedlander and Walters (2010). Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:112-115. Translation into French.

    Matthew J. Sullivan, Peggie A. Ward & Robin M. Deutsch, Overcoming Barriers Family Camp: A Program for High-Conflict Divorced Families where a Child is Resisting Contact with a ParentFamily Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:116-135.

    Peter G. Jaffe, Dan Ashbourne &  Alfred A. Mamo, Early Identification and Prevention of Parent-Child Alienation: A Framework for Balancing Risks and Benefits of InterventionFamily Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:136-152.

    Richard A. Warshak, Alienating audiences from innovation: The perils of polemics, ideology, and innuendoFamily Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:153-163.

    Hon. Donna J. Martinson, One case–one specialized judge: Why courts have a duty to manage alienation and other high-conflict cases. Family Court Review, Vol. 48(1), 2010:180-189.

    Kirk Weir, High-conflict contact disputes: Evidence of the extreme unreliability of some children's ascertainable wishes and feelingsFamily Court Review, Vol. 49(4), 2011:788-800.

    Barbara Jo Fidler & Nicolas Bala (Eds.), Guest editors’ introduction to the 2020 special issue on parent-child contact problems: Concepts, controversies & conundrums. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:265-269.

    Janet J. Johnston & Matthew J. Sullivan, Parental alienation: In search of common ground for a more differentiate theory. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:270-292.

    William Bernet, Parental alienation and misinformation. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:293-307.

    Aaron Robb, Methodological challenges in social science: Making sense of polarized and competing
research claims. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:308-321.

    Denjamin D. Garber, Dynamics, not Diagnoses. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:368-370.

(No abstract is available)

    Aaron Robb, Misdirection and Double Standards Fail to Clarify Controversial Issues in Social Science. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:373-374. (No abstract is available)

    Benjamin D. Garber, Sherlock Holmes and the case of resist/refuse dynamics: Confirmatory bias and abductive inference in child custody evaluations. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:386-402.

    Fiona Morrison, E. Kay M. Tisdall & Jane E. M. Callaghan, Manipulation and domestic abuse in contested
contact - threats to children’s participation rights. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:403-416.

    Michael Saini, Taini Laajasalo & Stacy Platt, Gatekeeping by allegations: An examination of verified, unfounded, and fabricated allegations of child maltreatment within the context of resist and refusal dynamics. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:417-431.

    Richard Warshak, Risks and Realities of Working with Alienated Children. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:432-455.

    Jackie Campbell, Children resisting contact with a parent due to abuse, alienation, or other causes: Can a proactive role for lawyers contribute to better outcomes? Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:456-469.

    Robin Deutsch, Leslie Drozd, & Chioma Ajoku, Trauma-informed interventions in parent-child contact cases. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:470-487.

    Lyn R. Greenberg, & Robert A. Schnider, We’re still taking x-rays but the patient is dying: What keeps us
from intervening more quickly in resist-refuse cases? Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:488-506.

    Shely Polak, Tom Altobelli & Linda Popielarczyk, Responding to severe parent-child rejection cases with-out a parentectomy: A blended sequential intervention model and the role of the courts. Family Court Review,
Vol. 58(2), 2020:507-524.

    Philip Marcus, Innovative programs in Israel for prevention & responding to parental alienation:
Education, early identification and timely, effective intervention. Family Court Review, Vol. 58(2), 2020:544-559.

    Francine Cyr, Karine Poitras & Elizabeth Godbout, An interdisciplinary case management protocol for child resistance or refusal dynamics. Family Court Review, 58(2), 2020:560-575.

    Barbara Jo Fidler & Nicolas Bala, Concepts, Controversies and Conundrums of Alienation: Lessons Learned in a Decade and Reflections on Challenges AheadFamily Court Review, 58(2) 576-603.

Family Law Quarterly

    Richard A. Warshak, Bringing Sense to Parental Alienation: A Look at the Disputes and the Evidence Family Relations. Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 37(2), 2003:273-301.

    Michele A. Adams, Framing Contests in Child Custody Disputes: Parental Alienation Syndrome, Child Abuse, Gender, and Fathers’ Rights. Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 40(2), 2006:315-338.

Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies

    Richard A. Warshak, Payoffs and Pitfalls of Listening to Children. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science, Vol. 52(4), 2004:373-384.

Feedback - Journal of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland

   William Bernet, The Five-Factor Model for the Diagnosis of Parental Alienation. Feedback - Journal of the Family Therapy Association of Ireland, Vol. 6 (Summer), 2020:3-15.

Florida Bar Journal

    Michael R. Walsh & J. Michael Bone. Parental alienation syndrome: An age old custody problem.
Florida Bar Journal, June, 1997:93-96.

    Robert A. Evans, Treatment considerations with children diagnosed with PAS. Florida Bar Journal,

Vol. 80(4), 2006:69-72.

Frontiers in Psychology

    Maria C. Verrocchio, Daniela Marchetti & Mario Fulcheri, Perceived Parental Functioning, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Distress in Adults Whose Parents are Separated/Divorced. Frontiers in Psychology,

Vol. 6(Article 1760), 2015:1-9.

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes

    Maria C. Verrocchio, Daniela Marchetti, Danilo Carrozzino, Angelo Compare & Mario Fulcheri, Depression and quality of life in adults perceiving exposure to parental alienation behaviors. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, Vol. 17, Article 14, 2019:1-9.

International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health

    Leo Sher, Parental Alienation: The Impact on Men's Mental Health. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, Vol. 29(3), 2017 (Mini Review, Published on line 13 November 2015).

Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science

    Jenna Rowen & Robert E. Emery, Parental Denigration Boomerangs Versus Alienates: Parent-Child Closeness, Reciprocity, and Well-Being Using Multiple Informants. Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science, Vol. 68(1), 2019:119-134.

International Cultic Studies Association

    Amy JL. Baker, Resisting the pressure to choose between parents: A school-based program. International Cultic Studies Association, Vol. 3(1), 2012:8-13. (BH)

International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice

    Deborah Goldfarb, Sidnei Priolo-Filho, Janelle Sampana, Donna Shestowsky, Samara Wolpe,  Lucia C. A. Williams  & Gail S. Goodman, International Comparison of Family Court Professionals’  Perceptions of Parental Alienation and Child Sexual Abuse AllegationsInternational Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, Vol. 2, 2019:323-341.

International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review

    Christine Giancarlo & Kara Rottmann, Kids Come Last: The Effect of Family Law Involvement in Parental Alienation. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review, Vol. 9, 2015:27-42. (BH)

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

    A.L. Lavadera, S. Ferracuti & M.M. Togliatti, Parental alienation syndrome in Italian legal arguments: An exploratory study. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 35, 2012:334-342. (BH)

International Lawyer

    Barbara Bevando Sobal & M. William Hilton, Article 13 (b) of the Hague Convention Treaty: Does It Create a Loophole for Parental Alienation Syndrome—an Insidious Abduction? International Lawyer, Vol. 35(3), 2001:997-1025.

Interpersonal Acceptance Newsletter

   Lena Hellblom Sjögren, Parental Alienation: Science and Law Lorandos, D., & Bernet, W. (2020)Interpersonal Acceptance Newsletter, Vol. 14(3), 2020:2-8.

Irish Journal of Family Law

    Brian O'Sullivan, The Alienated Child, Irish Journal of Family Law, Vol. 16(1), 2013:20-23.

Issues in Child Abuse Allegations

    Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Manipulating the Child Sexual Abuse System. Issues in Child Abuse Accusations (Institute for Psychological Therapies), Vol. 1(2), 1989:58-67.

    Deirdre Conway Rand, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Integration of Classic and Contemporary Types. Issues in Child Abuse Allegations, Vol. 2(2), 1990:83-89.   Comment: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, MSP, is sometimes part of alienating behavior - in this article PAS is referred to as a subtype of MSP.

    Hollida Wakefield & Ralph Underwager, Personality characteristics of parents making false accusations of sexual abuse in custody disputes. Issues in Child Abuse Accusations (Institute for Psychological Therapies), Vol. 2(3), 1990:121–136. (BH)

    Deirdre Conway Rand, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: A Complex Type of Emotional Abuse Responsible for Some False Allegations of Child Abuse in Divorce. Issues in Child Abuse Allegations, Vol. 5(3), 1993:xx-xx.

Journal of Child and Family Studies

    Maria Cristina Verrocchio & Amy J.L. Baker, Italian Adults' Recall of Childhood Exposure to Parental Loyalty Conflicts. Journal of Child and Family Studies,Vol. 24(1), 2013:95-105.

    Amy J. L. Baker & Maria Cristina Verrocchio, Parental Bonding and Parental Alienation as Correlates of Psychological Maltreatment in Adults in Intact and Non-intact Families. Journal of Child and Family Studies,Vol. 24(10), 2015:3047-3057.

    Laura Lamminen, Linda J. Gottlieb: The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Family Therapy and Collaborative Systems Approach to Amelioration. (Book Review),  Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 22(6), 2013:879-880.

Journal of Child Custody

   Bruna Calado, Henry Otgaar & Peter Muris, Are children better witnesses than adolescents? Developmental trends in different false memory paradigms. Journal of Child Custody, Vol. 15(4), 2019:330-348.

    Comment: This journal frequently publishes articles opposed to the concept of PA.

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

   Martin H. Teicher & Jacqueline A. Samson, Annual Research Review: Enduring neurobiological effects of childhood abuse and neglect. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol. 57(3), 2016:241-266.

   Comment: This paper includes information of brain damage due to emotional abuse.

Journal of Clinical Psychology

   Linda S. Smith, Family-Based Therapy for Parent-Child Reunification. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 72(5), 2016:498-512.

Journal of Divorce & Remarriage

   John Dunne & Marsha Hedrick, The Parental Alienation Syndrome: An Analysis of Sixteen Selected Cases. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 21, 1994:21-38.

   Richard A. Gardner, Recommendations for Dealing with Parents who Induce a Parental Alienation Syndrome in Their ChildrenJournal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 28(3/4), 1998:1-23.

   Lon Paul Bokker, Roy C. Farley & William Bailey, The Relationship Between Custodial Status and Emotional Well-being Among Recently Divorced Fathers. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 44(3-4), 2006:83-98.

   Amy J.L. Baker & Douglas Darnall, Behaviors and Strategies Employed in Parental Alienation. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 45(1/2), 2006:97-124.

   Amy JL Baker & Douglas C. Darnall, A construct study of the eight symptoms of severe parental alienation syndrome: a survey of parental experiences. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 47(1/2), 2007:55–76.

   Amy J.L. Baker & Jaclyn Chambers. Adult recall of childhood exposure to parental conflict: Unpacking the black box of parental alienation. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 52(1), 2011:55-76.

   Amy J.L. Baker & Naomi Ben-Ami, To Turn a Child Against a Parent Is To Turn a Child Against Himself: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Exposure to Parental Alienation Strategies on Self-Esteem and Well-Being. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 52(7), 2011:472-489.

   Elisabeth Godbout & Claudine Parent, The Life Paths and Lived Experiences of Adults Who Have Experienced Parental Alienation: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 53(1), 2012:34-54.

   Jennifer Gerber Moné & Zeynep Biringen, Assessing Parental Alienation: Empirical Assessment of College Stu-dents' Recollections of Parental Alienation During Their Childhoods. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 53(3), 2012:157-177.

   Amy J.L. Baker & Maria C. Verrocchio, Italian College Student-Reported Childhood Exposure to Parental Alienation: Correlates With Well-Being. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 54(8), 2013:609-628.

   Amy J.L. Baker& Amy Eichler. The linkage between parental alienation behaviors and child alienation. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. Vol. 57(7), 2016:475-484.

   Gena A. Rowlands, Parental Alienation: A Measurement Tool. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, Vol. 60(4), 2019:316-331

Journal of Family Issues

   Jay Fagan & Marina Barnett, The Relationship Between Maternal Gatekeeping, Paternal Competence, Mothers' Attitudes About the Father Role, and Father Involvement. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 24(8), 2003:1020-1043.    Comment: This paper is not referring to PA but some of what has been studied is relevant for the PA topic.

Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention

    Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau, Christiane Förster & Jorge Guerra Gonzalez, Book Review: Demosthenes Lorandos, William Bernet & Richard Sauber (2013), Parental Alienation: Handbook for Mental Health and Legal Professionals. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention, Vol. 5(6), 2013:115-117.
Saulyn Lee-Maturana, Mandy Matthewson & Corinna Dwan, Ten Key Findings on Targeted Parents’ Experiences: Towards a Broader Definition of Parental Alienation. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 0(0), 2021:1-29, in press).

Journal of Family Psychology

    Jennifer J. Harman, Zeynep Biringen, Ellen M. Ratajack, Pearl L. Outland & Allyson Kraus, Parents Behaving Badly: Gender Biases in the Perception of Parental Alienating Behaviors. Journal of Family Psychology, Vol. 30(7), 2016:866-874.

Journal of Family Studies

     Comment: Some of the articles in this journal deal with observations that are consistent with PA but I (BC) only have access to the abstracts and therefore don't know if PA is explicitly mentioned or discussed.

Journal of Family Therapy

    Kate Templer, Mandy Matthewson, Janet Haines  & Georgina Cox, Recommendations for best practice in response to parental alienation: findings from a systematic review. Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 39(1), 2017:103-122.

Journal of Family Violence

    Jennifer J. Harman, Demosthenes Lorandos, Zeynep Biringen & Caitlyn M. Grubb, Gender Differences in the Use of Parental Alienating Behaviors. Journal of Family Violence, Vol. 35(5), 2020:459-469.

    Ira Daniel Turkat, Divorce related malicious mother syndrome. Journal of Family Violence, Vol. 10(3), 1995:253-264.

Journal of Forensic Sciences

   William Bernet, Amy J. L. Baker & Maria C. Verrocchio, Symptom Checklist‐90‐Revised Scores in Adult Children Exposed to Alienating Behaviors: An Italian Sample. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 60(2), 2015:357-362.

   Amy J.L. Baker, Mariann Asayan & Alianna LaCheen-Baker, Best Interest of the Child and Parental Alienation: A Survey of State Statutes. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 61(4), 2016:1011-1016.

   William Bernet, Nilgun Gregory & Ronald P. Rohner, An Objective Measure of Splitting in Parental Alienation: The Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 63(3), 2018:776-783.

   William Bernet, Nilgun Gregory, Ronald P. Rohner & Kathleen M. Reay, Measuring the Difference Between Parental Alienation and Parental Estrangement: The PARQ-Gap. Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 65(4), 2020:1225-1234.

Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development

    Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy, Alienation, A Concept for Understanding Low-Income, Urban Clients. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, Vol. 43(2), 2004:188-196.

Journal of Moral Education

    Jennifer Lavoie, Joshua Wyman, Angela M. Crossman & Victoria Talwar, Lie-telling as a mode of antisocial action: Children’s lies and behavior problems. Journal of Moral Education, Vol. 47(4), 2018:432-450.

Journal of Personality

    Robert S. Horton, Geoff Bleau, and Brian Drwecki, Parenting narcissus: what are the links between parenting and narcissism? Journal of Personality, Vol. 74(2), 2006:345-376. (BH)

    Comment: In this article narcissism is analyzed in the "softer" sense - not the formal psychiatric diagnosis NPD. The authors discuss "healthy" as well as "unhealthy" narcissism. "Parental alienation" is not mentioned as words in the paper but the concept is clearly built into the text, for example (p. 350): " According to this perspective, narcissism develops when the parent regards the child as a means by which to satisfy selfish motives, not as an individual to be nurtured. In this unfortunate case, the parent’s identity is enmeshed with the child’s, and the parent subverts the development of the child’s independent sense of self rather than risk a symbolic loss to his or her own self." 

Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services

    M.M. Farkas, An introduction to parental alienation syndrome. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, Vol. 49(4), 2011:20-26.

Journal of Psychopathology

    Alberto Siracusano, Ylenia Barone, Giulia Lisi & Cinzia Niolu, Parental alienation syndrome or alienating parental relational behaviour disorder: a critical overview. Journal of Psychopathology, Vol. 21, 2015:231-238.

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

    William Bernet, Case study: allegations of abuse created in a single interviewJournal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol.36(7), 1997:966-970.

    William Bernet, Marianne Z. Wamboldt & William E. Narrow, Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 55(7), 2016:571-579.

    William Bernet, Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 56(8), 2017:713-714.

Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

    Ira Turkat, Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Review of Critical Issues. Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, Vol. 18, 2002:131-176.

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

   Janet R. Johnston, Parental alignments and rejection: An empirical study  of alienation of children of divorce. Journal of the American Academy of  Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 31, 2003:158-170. (BH) 

    Cheryl D. Willis (Book Review), Parental Alienation: The Handbook For Mental Health and Legal Professionals. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Vol. 43(2), 2015:258-259.

Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis

    Richard A. Gardner, Sex-abuse hysteria: Diagnosis, etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 37(3), 1993:2-5.

Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent

    Normand Carrey, Coasting to DSM-5 - Parental Alienation Syndrome and Child Psychiatric Syndromes: We are what and who we define (Editorial), Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Vol. 20(3), 2011:163.

    P. Susan Penfold, Book Review: Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Breaking the Ties That Bind (Amy JL Baker). Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, Vol. 17(4), 2008:232.

Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

    Duk Soo Moon, Myung Hoon Lee, Dong Sun Chung & Young Sook Kwack, Custody Evaluation in High-conflict Situations Focused on Domestic Violence and Parental Alienation SyndromeJournal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol. 31(2), 2020:66-73.

    La Revue d'Action Juridique et Sociale (in French)

        Jean Pannier, Autorité parentale: Droit de visite et d'hébergement: Aliénation parentale [Parental authority: Rights of access and accommodation: Parental alienation]. La Revue d'Action Juridique et Sociale, 2007:27058-27062.

    Maltrattamento e Abuso all’Infanzia (In Italian)

        Marisa Malagoli Togliatti & Franci Marta, La sindrome di alienazione genitoriale (PAS): Studi e ricerche. Maltrattamento e Abuso all’Infanzia, Vol. 7(3), 2005:39-63.

    Michigan Family Law Journal (I thank Ashish Joshi for his kind permission to let me post his articles as pdfs here)

        Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation: The Problem (Part One of a Two-Part Series). Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 46(8), 2016:7-10.

        Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation: Remedies (Part Two of a Two-Part Series). Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 46(9), 2016:6-12.

        Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation and the Role of GALs and LGALs (Part One of Two). Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 48(7), 2018:20-25.

        Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation and the Role of GALs and LGALs (Part Two of Two). Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 48(8), 2018:17-22.

        Ashish S. Joshi, Temporary No-Contact Orders: The Necessary Ingredient for Effective Reunification in Cases Involving Parental Alienation. Part 1. Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 50(2), 2020:13-18.

       Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation and Domestic Violence: Two Sides of the Same Coin.  Part 1. Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 50(8), 2020:13-17.

       Ashish S. Joshi, Parental Alienation and Domestic Violence: Two Sides of the Same Coin. Part 2. Michigan Family Law Journal, Vol. 50(10), 2020:11-17.


       Charles B. Nemeroff, Paradise Lost: The Neurobiological and Clinical Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect. Neuron, Vol. 89(5), 2016:892-909.

        Comment: In this paper, the words "parental alienation"  are not specifically mentioned but the paper includes

        discussions of changes in the brains of children due to "early life stress" (ELV), parental loss, parental

        separation, parental "verbal aggression" and emotional abuse (to which PA belongs).

    Neuropsychiatrie (In German, Also translated into English and Swedish)

        W. von Boch-Galhau, Parental Alienation (Syndrome) - Eine ernst zu nehmende Form von psychischer Kindermisshandlung. Neuropsychiatrie, Vol. 32, 2018:133-148.

    New England Psychologist

       Sharie Stines, Long term results of parental alienation to the alienated child. New England Psychologist,

    7 October, 2020.   Comment: Splitting, problems with relations, anger and other issues.

    New Hampshire BAR Journal

        Peggie Ward & J. Campbell Harvey, Family Wars: The Alienation of Children. New Hampshire BAR Journal, Vol. 34(1), March 1993:___.

    North Dakota Law Review

        Douglas Darnall, Parental Alienation: Not in the Best Interest of the Children North Dakota Law Review, Vol. 75(2), 1999:323-364.

        Louann C. McGlyn, Parent and Child-Custody and Control of Child: Parental Alienation: Trash Talking the Non-Custodial Parent Is Not Okay. North Dakota Law Review, Vol. 77(3), 2001:525-548.

    NYSBAR Family Law Review

        Chaim Steinberger, Father? What Father? Parental Alienation and Its Effect on Children. Part One. NYSBAR Family Law Review, Vol. 38(1), 2006:10-24.


       Paula Inez Cunha Gomide, Everline Bedin Camargo & Marcia Gonzales Fernandes, Análise das Propriedades Psicométricas da Escala de Alienação Parental. (Analysis of the psychometric properties of a parental alienation scale.) Paidéia, Vol. 26(65), 2016:291-298.

    Parental Alienation International (Newsletter of PASG)

       Brian Ludmer, Contempt Law in a Nutshell - Court Procedures for Breaches of Court Orders: Part 2. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 3(3), 2018:8-9.

       Karen Woodall, Managing Power and Control in Parental Alienation: New paper explores alienation as a form of intimate terrorism. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(1), 2019:5-6.

       Brian Ludmer, The Case Against Children’s Counsel – Part 1: In parental alienation, appointing an attorney for the child is fraught with danger. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(1), 2019:7-8.

       Karen Woodall, Powerful Progress in Europe: Unmistakable improvement is being seen in the legal
    and mental health case management of PA cases. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(2), 2019:6-7.

       Steven G. Miller, Interpersonal Boundary Violations: Often Missed, Often Dismissed. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(2), 2019:11-13.

      Tapio Koivula, Criminalizing Parental Alienation: Theories of Criminalization. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(2), 2019:17-21.
       Brian Ludmer, The Case Against Children’s Counsel – Part 2: A review of arguments against appointing an attorney for the child. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(3), 2019:9-11.

       Dalia Erel, Handling Parental Alienation as a Medical Emergency: PA more resembles a medical crisis than a divorce proceeding. Triage is essential. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 4(3), 2019:15.

       William Bernet, Review the Literature Regarding Psychological Tests for Parental Alienation.  Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(1), 2020:9-10.

       Brian Ludmer, The Case Against Children’s Counsel – Part 3.  Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(1), 2020:11-12.

       Brian Ludmer, The Dilemma of Older Children. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(2), 2020:11-12.

       Douglas I. Romberg, Parental Alienation: Origins, Controversies and A New Paradigm. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(3), 2020:10-13.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Parental Alienation and Intervention: Introduction and Outline of Topics for the Upcoming Year. arental Alienation International, Vol. 5(3), 2020:22-23.

       Paolo Chavarria, The Bothersome Father: Paradox in the land of equality. Parental Alienation International,

    Vol. 5(4), 2020:6.
       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner,
    Parental Alienation: The Conundrum of Prevention/ Early Intervention and the “Best Interests of the Child” Legal Standard. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(4), 2020:8-11.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Diverting Parental Alienation Cases Away from Litigation. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(5), 2020:9-10.

       Amy Baker, In-the-Office Reunification Therapy in the US: Lessons learned from a survey of providers. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(6), 2020:12.

       Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau, Parental Alienation-A Worldwide Health Problem. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(6), 2020:13-16.

       Ashish S. Joshi, Litigating Parental Alienation Cases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(6), 2020:19-20.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Diversion Programs: The Role of Parent Education Programs. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 5(6), 2020:21-23.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Prevention and Early Intervention in Parental Alienation Research: What Do We Know? Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(1), 2021:17-20.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Parental Alienation Case Management: Parenting Coordinator Centered Approach. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(2), 2021:14-17.

       Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Creating a Better Family Outcome? The Role of Parental Self-Advocacy in the Legal System. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(3), 2021:14-15.

       Brian Ludmer, Judicial Interviews. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(3), 2021:16-18.

       William Bernet, Children express strong feelings through dramatic and poignant artwork. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(5), 2021:5.

      Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Introducing a new PASG committee: The prevention and early intervention committee. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(5), 2021:6-7.

      Mary Alvarez & Chris Turner, Introducing a new PASG committee: The prevention and early intervention committee. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 6(6), 2021:7-8.

      Alyse Price Tobler, Adult survivors of severe parental alienation (SPA) experienced as children. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 7(2), 2022:10-11.

       Joan T. Kloth-Zanard, What is Domestic Violence by Proxy? Parental Alienating Behaviors are
    Domestic Violence by Proxy Using Coercive Control. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 7(3), 2022:11-13.

       Cheryl Arries, Lived experience of being a targeted parent. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 7(5), 2022:12.

       Diana Alberter, The long-term consequences and impact of parental alienation. Parental Alienation International, Vol. 7(6), 2022:12.
    PASG Conference Abstract:

       Sophie Roswall & Björn Cedervall, Characterization of the interdisciplinary nature of the concept of parental alienation as reflected by the professional journals [Abstract]. 5th International PASG Conference, 16-19 juni, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

    Parental Rights (Book Chapter)

        Robert M. Gordon, The Medea Complex and the Parental Alienation Syndrome: When Mothers Damage Their Daughter’s Ability to Love a Man. Parental Rights,  Cirka 2009.


        Jerome Kagan, The Role of Parents in Children’s Psychological Development. Pediatrics, Vol. 104(1), 2019:164-167.

        Comment: This paper discusses parental behaviour, parental influence etc but PA is not mentioned.)

    Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

        Richard A. Warshak, Ten parental alienation fallacies that compromise decisions in court and in therapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol. 46(4), 2015:235-249.

        Michael R. Bütz & F. Barton Evans, Factitious disorder by proxy, parent alienation, and the argument for interrelated multidimensional diagnoses. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol. 50(6), 2019:364-375.

    Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute (in Italian)

        Maria Cristina Verrocchio, La Sindrome di Alienazione Genitoriale. Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute, Vol. 13(3), 2007: 371-396.

    Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense (in Spanish)

        M. Cartié, R. Casany, R. Domínguez, C. Gamero, C. García, M. González & C. Pastor, Análisis descriptivo de las características asociadas al síndrome de alienación parental (SAP) [Descriptive analysis of characteristics associated with parental alienation syndrome (PAS)]. Psicopatología Clínica Legal y Forense, Vol. 5(1-3),  2005:5-29.

    Psicothema (in Spanish)

        Ramón J. Vilalta Suárez, Descripción del Síndrome de Alienación Parental en una muestra forense (Description of the Parental Alienation Syndrome in a Forensic Sample). Psicothema, Vol. 23(4), 2011:636-641.

    Psychiatric Times

        William Bernet, Children of High-Conflict Divorce Face Many Challenges. Psychiatric Times, Vol. 32(10), 2015:12-15.

        Philip M. Koszyk & William Bernet, Treatment and Prevention of Parental Alienation. Psychiatric Times, March 12, 2020. Från artikeln: "When parents take steps to end their marriages, the default arrangement for children should be shared parenting. Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, and judges can help parents avoid irreparable harm."

       Alan D. Blotcky & William Bernet, Avoiding the Pitfalls of False Assumptions in Parental Alienation Cases.

    Psychiatric Times, December 10, 2021.

    Psychiatria polska (in Polish)

        I. Namysłowska, J. Heitzman & A. Siewierska, Gardner syndrome-parent alienation syndrome (PAS). Diagnosis or family reality? Psychiatria polska, Vol. 43(1), 2009:5-17

    Psychological Bulletin

        Jennifer Jill Harman, Edward Kruk & Denise A. Hines, Parental alienating behaviors: An unacknowledged form of family violence. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 144(12), 2018:1275-1299.

    Psychologist Papers (same journal as Papeles del Psicólogo, not counted twice)

        R. Vilalta & Maxime Winberg Noda, On the myth of parental alienation syndrome (PAS) and the DSM-5Psychologist Papers, Vol. 38(3), 2017:224-231.  Comments: The authors deflect from the PA issue in two ways:

    1. They do not discuss PA as a pathological family dynamic - the focus is built around the semantics relating to PAS.  2. The concept of PA is built into five already existing diagnosis in the DSM-5.

    Psychology in the Schools

       Raymond L. Calabrese, John W. Miller & Buddy Dooley, The identification of alienated parents and children: Implications for school psychologists. Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 24(2), 1987:145-150.

    Psychology, Public Policy and the Law

       Richard A. Warshak, When evaluators get it wrong: False positive IDs and parental alienation. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, Vol. 26(1), 2020:54-68.

       Jennifer J. Harman & Demosthenes Lorandos, Allegations of Family Violence in Court: How Parental Alienation Affects Judicial Outcomes. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, Vol. 27(2), 2021:184-208.

    Psychology Today

    Edward Kruk, The Impact of Parental Alienation on Parents: Post-traumatic Stress in the Rupture of Parent-child Relationships. Psychology Today, 2 May, 2013.

       Sharon K. Farber, Cults and the Mind-Body Connection: A form of soul murder. Psychology Today, 19 July, 2014. Comment: This article is not focused on PA but relevant to the behaviors of alienators.

       Edward Kruk, The Life of the Alienated Parent: Coping with the trauma of parental alienation. Psychology Today, 5 November, 2017.

       Edward Kruk, Parental Alienation: What is the solution? Psychology Today, 16 November, 2017.

       Susan Heitler, Parental Alienation Syndrome: What Is It, and Who Does It? Psychology Today, 1 February, 2018.

       Susan Heitler, Parental Alienation: What Can an Alienated Parent Do? Psychology Today, 27 Febr., 2018.

       Susan Heitler, Two Classic Cases of Courts Failing Alienated Parents. Psychology Today, 1 October, 2018.

       Edward Kruk, Parental Alienation as Child Abuse and Family Violence. Psychology Today, 10 January, 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Parental Alienation: It Happens in Intact Families Too. Psychology Today, 19 February, 2019.

       Stanton E. Samenow, Parental Alienation: Five Errors in Thinking: Alienators think like criminals. Psychology Today, 25 May, 2019.
    Kommentar: Stanton Samenow (1941-2023) var doktor i klinisk psykologi och fokuserade i forskningshänseende åren 1970-1978 på kriminellas sätt att tänka på samt deras beteende. Han fick sammantaget 50 års erfarenhet som kliniker, forskare, konsult och expertvittne på kriminellt beteende, rättspsykologi samt vårdnadstvister - särskilt det senare från år 1985 och framåt (Intervju med Dr. Stanton. The Forensic Examiner, Vol. 14(2), 2005). Han skrev också flera uppmärksammade böcker på området, bl a "Inside the criminal mind" där första upplagan kom år 1984 och den senaste år 2022 (399 sidor). Dr. Samenow var också medlem i organisationen PASG.

       Susan Heitler, We_Need_Changes_in_How_Courts_Handle Parental Alienation: What about "therapeutic jurisprudence"? Psychology Today, 6 June, 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Can Parental Alienation Occur Beyond_Parents_and_Kids? Psychology Today,  7 June, 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Parental Alienation: What Therapists Need to Know. Psychology Today, 20 September, 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Severe Parental Alienation: A Mental Health Emergency. Psychology Today, 24 Oct., 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Adult Sibling Alienation: Who Does It and Why. Psychology Today, 15 December, 2019.

       Susan Heitler, Narcissism in Parental Alienation: Clarifying Examples. Psychology Today, 13 January, 2020.

       Christine B.L. Adams, Parental Alienation: How and When Does It Start? Psychology Today, 18 February, 2020.

       Susan Heitler, Prevention of Parental Alienation: How You Can HelpA family court judge suggests a parental alienation prevention strategy. Psychology Today, 29 June, 2020.

       Susan Heitler, Too Many Therapists Misdiagnose and Mistreat Alienation: Far too few therapists know how to help alienated children. More could learn. Psychology Today, 25 November, 2020.

       Ann Gold Buscho, Divorce and Kids: What You Need to Know and Why I'm a ShrinkPsychology Today, 19 January,  2021.

       Susan Heitler, What Leads Alienated Parents to Give Up on Their Children? Awareness of myths about alienation can help parents and kids to reconnect. Psychology Today, 26 April, 2021.
       Susan Heitler,
    7 Kinds of Domestic Abuse, Including One That's Post-Divorce: Not all abuse makes physical bruises, but all harm the victim—and the kids. Psychology Today, 23 November, 2021.

       Vinita Mehta, Parental Alienation: The Legacy for Children. Psychology Today, 21 December, 2021.

       Edward Kruk, When Studies Don't Replicate: A Case Study - How a recent study about family violence could not be replicated. Psychology Today, 22 December, 2021.

       Suzanne Degges-White, The Terrible Toll of Narcissistic Abuse Narcissistic abuse leaves lasting scars. Psychology Today, 25 May, 2022.

       Craig Harper, Why Is Parental Alienation a Controversial Concept? Psychology Today, 10 August, 2022.
       Bill Eddy,
    Parental Alienation and the Child’s Brain. Psychology Today, 31 March, 2023.


       Augusto Zimmermann, Child-Support Payments and Parental Alienation. Quadrant, August 15, 2019.

    Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry)

       Roberta Pena, Hélio Lauar & Alcina Barros, Forensic psychiatry assessment during parental alienation claims: two cases with different outcomes. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Vol. 42(2), 2020:453-454.

    Revista Psicologí a Educativa (in Spanish)

       José Manuel Aguilar Cuenca, Interferencias de las relaciones paterno filiales: El Síndrome de alienación parental y las nuevas formas de violencia contra la infancia. Revista Psicologí a Educativa, Vol. 13(2), 2007:101-116.


       Sarah Jayne Blakemore, How Does the Brain Deal with the Social World? Science, Vol. 314, 2006:60-61.

       Comment: PA is not mentioned but is relevant for emotional, social and cognitive brain functions.

    Scientific American

        Martin Teicher, Scars that won't heal: The Neurobiology of Child abuse. Scientific American, Vol. 286(3), 2002:54-61.

        Comment: This article has relevance to PA as it is focused on brain damage in the neurobiological sense to abused children but there is no specific mentioning of PA. This line of research however, where the development of the young brain is studied, has a focus on different kinds of brain damages (different regions of the brain) depending on what type of abuse or neglect a child has experienced.

    Social Development

        David A. Nelson, Melanie M. Springer, Larry J. Nelson & Nathaniel H. Bean, Normative Beliefs Regarding Aggression in Emerging Adulthood. Social Development, Vol. 17(3), 2008:638-660.

        Comment: This article has focus on aggressive behaviors including indirectly relational (exclusion, isolation activites etc) of men and women which is highly relevant for PA but the paper does not address PA directly. (BH)

    Social Work (Maatskaplike Werk, Zambia)

        Elsabé Bosch-Brits, Cornelia Wessels & Adri Roux, Fathers' experience and perceptions of parent alienation in high-conflict divorce. Social Work, Vol. 54(1), 2018:91-110.

    Social Work Today

        Amy J.L. Baker, Parental alienation syndrome: The parent-child disconnect. Social Work Today, Vol. 8(6), 2008:26- (about six pages).

    Soins. Pédiatrie, Puériculture (in French)

        Aurélie Haroche, Les Soins à l'enfant face à l'aliénation parentale (Caring for Children in the Face of Parental Alienation). Soins. Pédiatrie, Puériculture, Vol. 35(280), 2014:8.

    Steven G. Miller

    Referensen som här följer är ett bokkapitel som Dr. Steven G. Miller skrivit om hur man lämpligen resonerar och fattar kliniska beslut i PA-sammanhang. Poängen är att man måste hålla sig till en vetenskaplig utgångspunkt så man inte förleds av ovidkommande tankar, vad man tror och liknande. Kapitlet är ur teoretisk synpunkt ganska tungt men också viktigt därför att ett förbiseende av resonemangen kan få katastrofala konsekvenser för alienerade barn.
       Steven G. Miller, Clinical reasoning and decision-making in cases of child alignment: Diagnostic and therapeutic issues. In A. J. L. Baker & S. R. Sauber (Eds.), Working with alienated children and families: A clinical guidebook, 2013:8–46.

    The Psychologist

        Sue Whitcombe, Parental alienation – time to notice, time to intervene. The Psychologist, Vol. 27(1), 2014:32-34.

    Tidskriftet Den Norske Legeforening (A journal for Norwegian medical practioners, In Norwegian)

        Eivind Meland, Lena Hellblom Sjögren & Frode Thuen, Foreldrefremmedgjøring som helserisiko. Tidskriftet Den Norske Legeforening, Nr. 6, 2019.

        Comment: This article is entirely focused on PA.

    Trends in State Courts (National Center for State Courts)

       Ken Lewis, Parental Alienation Can Be Emotional Child Abuse, Trends in State Courts (National Center for State Courts, NCSC), 2020:46-51.

    Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychiatry)

        Fuat Torun, Ebeveyn Yabancılaştırma Sendromu (Parental Alienation Syndrome), Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, Vol. 3(3), 2011:466-482.

        Comment: Abstract in English.

    Wisconsin Journal of Family Law

        Philip M.  Stahl, Understanding and evaluating alienation in high-conflict custody cases. Wisconsin Journal of Family Law, 24(1), 2003:20–26.

        Comment: This article specifically addresses PA.

    (Is it PA?)

    (PA is often missed)

    (Key concepts)

    (Child abuse)

    (Damages to the children)

    (Damages to adults)

    (Children's wishes)

    (Who are the PA drivers?)

    (False allegations)

    (PA and the law)

    (The authorities)

    (Prevention & therapy)

    (Other countries)

    (Support groups)

    (PA detractors)

    (Who am I?)